
Dinda Mazeda
Oceanographer Relawan Pengajar
Rombel 3: SDN Wanakerta 3 | Kec. Teluk Jambe Barat Kab. Karawang
11 April 2016

I grew up in Karawang and it was my first time join Kelas Inspirasi Karawang, as a contribution to my hometown. I joined this event as a naive mid-twenties girl who thought that I could probably inspire the kids (Without sounds cocky, of course). But turns out, they the one that inspires us, they got me re-think the definition of happiness, because happiness is simple.

I shared my experience as oceanographer minus the Navier-Stokes equation (Yeah right! they missed the 'fun' part. Haha) to 3 classes, the 2nd grader, 4th grader, and 5th grader. I told them a story about tsunami, simulated how waves spread in the deep ocean, mimicking the group of football supporter (Cheap trick! I knew)

My favorite part of this event was when the students were asked to write down a letter about their dream and share it with their parents at the end of the semester. I read a lot of letter. A lot of students want to be a teacher which I highly appreciate. Become a teacher is a noble job in carrying the future education. Some of the future teacher even ask their parents to pray for them. I really moved by their letter :) 

Some of them want to be an athlete, police, working in military, professor, A PRESIDENT! Yeah he is my favorite student! a dreamer, because so we are! :) 

Speaking of favorite student, I think it's save for me to say that Lupita, a special needs 10 years old girl, is our favorite student in SDN Wanakerta 3. We might not share a lot of direct communication but she was the star in our team! She enjoy being photographed and take a selfie. She also wrote down her future profession but kinda keep it to herself. It's ok girl, I believe in you! 

I do amaze by the teacher's dedication on keeping Lupita in school because as we know there is special needs school for an angel like her :) 

Overall, it was fun. I hope they won't give up on their dream. Someday they will make us proud, and back to their roots share their stories.

p.s thank you KI Karawang committee and thanks for all team member (Afi, Sri, Wili, Teh Ratri, Teh Eca, Desi, Teh Ana, Kang Is, Kang Ian) I wish you continue succeed.